Friday, January 29, 2010

And I Say to Myself....


Thank you DDT for bringing us on board with DeMark these past months!

SPX Weekly DeMark Sell Signal.. look where we are now..


Have a great weekend, traders! Rest up, plan your trades for next week, and we’ll all catch up on Sunday! Thanks to everyone, and big welcomes to some old faces that found our little hideout this week, and all of the new contributors as well! Remember the first time we played this tune on TTW? :-) It took us awhile, but we’ve finally arrived!

Remember: if Friday’s lows are lower than Thursdays week ..lower lows in at least some (one) Index.....of the Major ones.....”

Who said that last Friday? It was Osso! Guess what, the statement stands true for next week too…. Congrats Osso on your call!

"Remeber folks, this means we have a perfected TDSetup 9 sell, as this is the last day of January." - Osi
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